Wednesday, 5 August 2015

The Xin's Sister Date On 27/02/2014❤

It has been long ever since we went out together :(
Cause you BOTH are really buzy with work and other things :(
But I'm really happy althought its just a short day going out with you guys on 27/3/14 :)
And thank you Da Jie  for your Pizza Hut treat. HEHEHEH


And Lastly Love You JIE JIE *WINK WINK*


Tuesday, 26 November 2013


Hello back here :)
Monday went out with Jocelyn and watch The Hunger Game :)
The show really so cui lo !!
So I think will have part 3 ....
Tsk !!
But no matter what its a memorable day !


Monday, 11 November 2013


Hello it has been long ever since I blog . Heheh
I found a job at Bugis Street :)
Today is the 3rd day working ,
I'm work at a shop call Bric Brac :)
The shop sell lots of cool stuff 😄
It located at Bugis Street Level 2 KStreet 
So do visit there 😄

Saturday, 2 November 2013


So today was my first time celebrating Deepavali :)
Really have lots of fun with my friend earlier on :)
Although there was some quarrel  :)
Really happy today :)
Lastly ..

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Out with Jocelyn !

Came back from Bugis ^^
Went out with my cousin Jocelyn earlier on.
Today we didn't bought any clothes but some accessories.
This is what i bought !

And today i also took lots of pictures with Jocelyn >,<

After that we went home.
While we were on the MRT we saw this >>

To those who is celebrating halloween, enjoy your day!


Sunday, 27 October 2013

On Saturday

Hey I'm back here to blog :)
On Saturday I went out with both my sister,(Jeana& Xinyi), mummy & grandma.
We went Town & Bugis for shopping but there's nothing caught our eyes
So we decided to watch movie since we are bored & tired of walking :)
So we decided to watch 'The Second Sight'
Click here to watch trailer :)

Overall the movie i quite nice if you understand the story ^^
Actually i wanted to watch 'Escape Plan' nut no one to watch with :(
Ohh ya after watching movie we went to have our dinner at Subway.
But I had no appetite to eat so i didn't had my dinner :(
After they have ate finish we went Junction 8 ad walk for awhile
And went home after that :)


Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Monday ~

Hello I'm back here to blog ~
So I went out with jocelyn on monday to watch out of inferno at lot 1~

After watching we took bus to Vivo City ~
While we are on bus we took lots of pictures ^^
Yeah photo bomb ~

REALLY have lots of fun ~


Sunday, 13 October 2013

Sakae Sushi on Saturday ~

Yesterday went out with both of my sister and mummy :)
So yesterday we went town
My mum bought Leather Ark for my sister and I

Bought this Leather Ark at FarEast Plaza for $29
After buying we continue shopping.
After shopping at Fareast Plaza we continue shopping at Scape & Cinelesure.
We can't decide where to eat at dinner.
At last we decided to eat at Sakae Sushi ^^
So we went to Sakae Sushi at Scape.

Yucks my sister go and order a plate of Salmon.
After that we went home and at night my sister and I drank JackDaniel's .

 After drinking I really had a bad time sleeping
Feel so uncomfortable while sleeping.

Friday, 11 October 2013

Yeah N-Level finally ended !

So today was my last paper for N-Level !
I can enjoy my holiday already !
But i gonna find a job ^^
I was super tired during my second paper today
So i slept during to paper
And i didn't manage to check the paper
Because i was sleep :x
When i woke up its already ended...
No matter what its already ended ^^
Lastly i gonna say bye to my secondary school life :(


Friday, 4 October 2013

Yesterday last day studying with classmates !

I really feel so happy and sad yesterday.  I really feel so sad when we said goodbye.  I'm glad that i can take so many pictures  with my classmates yesterday.  Yesterday was my first time talking to them for so long and it's also my first time being close to them. When I think of the past we had together last time I really miss it. Even their hugs are so heart warming. I really feel so happy to have them as my classmates ! I have never regret knowing them I have only regret that I didn't know them earlier . Last and for all I really wish all my classmates, schoolmates and friends good luck for your up coming N-Levels and have a good future. I will miss to guys so much 😭😭😭😭







Thursday, 3 October 2013

To my dearest class 4H !

Dear 4H,
              We have been together for 4 years. Don't you think the time passes so fast ? I think it passes really fast especially this year. I will definitely miss you guys after we had graduated. I will miss your smile,laughter, joke, annoying sound and everything about you all ! I'm really sorry if I have did anything wrong during this 4 years. I really wish that we can have fun tomorrow in school as it's our last day study together and I really want to have a memorable time with you all in Teck Whye Secondary School. Lastly Goodluck everyone for you N-Levels . We have pass through all the ups and down in the past 4 years so N-Levels we surely can pass through want right ?! TAKE PICTURE TOMORROW OKAY !?

To Jinxiu !
Hey Good Luck for your N-Levels uh ! Although will not be going to the same ITE we also must contact each other uh. I have know you for 4 years already you are a girl that always like to help people and soft hearted. Don't be too soft hearted uh later get cheated uh ! I really will miss you so much as you are my best sister and bestfriend ! <3

To Malathi !
Hello (apple) ! Firstly Good Luck for your N-level. I think we also not going to the same ITE so we also must contact each other uh ! Don't forgot me ~ You must eat more banana and you will remember me ! I will really miss you especially during our Math lesson. You are a very funny girl that I ever met and don't be too emotional uh !You are also my bestfriend and best sister ! <3

To Gin!
Hello ! Good Luck for you N- Level uh ! You will also going to a different ITE with me right? So you also must contact me uh. You must speak more uh. Make more friends ! You are a very quiet girl always don't like to talk but if you talk you can talk a lot so talk more uh ! I will miss you want leh . Bestfriend & best sister <3

To Mrs Wu,
Hello ! I want to thank you for being our form teacher for 4 years. I will really miss you so much after I had graduated. You have been so good to our class, You always know how to settle if our classmates quarrel. You are really a good teacher ! Lastly thank you for teaching us ! <3
